religion, national minorities, churches and religious communities, legal system, political systemAbstract
This article analyzes the normative regulation of the relation between religion and national minorities in the legal and political system of Serbia. The analysis of religion and national minorities in the legal and political system of Serbia includes four, mutually linked, groups of issues. The first includes issues of normative regulation of the very notion of national minorities and religion, as well as religion as an element of national minority identity. This article’s second field of interest is made up of issues of normative regulation of religion in the political participation of national minorities. The third group of issues are those pertaining to religion and the cultural autonomy of national minorities, as a specific method of national minority participation in the public affairs of the Republic of Serbia. The issue of the range of application of minority rights in the regulation of the establishment and functioning of churches and religious communities is the fourth group of issues observed. It will be noticed that religion is considered, among other characteristics, in the legal and political system of Serbia, the very essence of what makes a social group a national minority and can be the sole element of differentiation and determination of a national minority. The influence and importance of religion as an element of national minority identity is more pronounced and direct in the sphere of national minority cultural autonomy, then in view of their political participation.
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