Kenyan Muslims, media liberalization, political marginalization, access to the media, political mobilization, war on terrorAbstract
Muslims constitute just about 10% of Kenya’s population and their perceived marginalization in the country’s politics since the colonial period has often led them to retreat from the political scene. However, the democratization process that has energized the development of the media as well as the upsurge of terrorism seems to be transforming the participation of Muslims in Kenyan politics. This paper illustrates how the war on terror and the emergence of Muslim media have influenced the increasing visibility of Muslims in the political scene. From the previous peripheral status, they are now entering national political alliances that can protect their interests and in doing so, Muslims are edging towards influencing national politics in Kenya. The paper thus concludes that the war on terror and the liberalization of the media have been a boom for the mobilization of Muslims to participate in national politics in Kenya.
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