
  • Thomas E. Drury Palm Beach Atlantic University




Faithful Citizenship, political engagement, Catholicism, theology, publicness


Beyond offering guidelines for voting, Faithful Citizenship represents an attempt by the U.S. Catholic bishops to articulate a theological vision of political engagement. One may examine the theological vision of Faithful Citizenship according to three textual viewpoints: what it says (content); theological understandings (problematics); and possibilities for conceptual development (implications). Addressing the dynamics of political engagement in contemporary society is a complex task. While this analysis maintains that Faithful Citizenship constitutes a useful conceptual resource insofar as signaling the basic theological terms of Catholic political engagement, there are areas of conceptual underdevelopment. Accordingly, the analysis suggests paths toward a deeper conceptual engagement with political philosophy, especially understandings of constitutional democracy.


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How to Cite

Drury, T. E. (2023). U.S. CATHOLIC BISHOPS’ VOTING GUIDELINES: FAITHFUL CITIZENSHIP AS A RESOURCE FOR POLITICAL ENGAGEMENT. Politics and Religion Journal, 17(2), 213–225. https://doi.org/10.54561/prj1702213d